30days30waysUK 2016
September is 'PREPAREDNESS' Month!
this page is also accessed by bit.ly/PreparednessMonth2016
In the UK, the #30Days30WaysUK campaign is getting bigger and better every year. It is run by a number of dedicated Emergency Planners up and down the country and coordinated by the brilliant Northamptonshire Emergency Planning Team. Simply scroll down to check out the daily programme. Take part for a chance to win and help raise awareness for Emergency Preparedness.
- LIKE 30days30waysUK on facebook, join and follow us on facebook and twitter
- FOLLOW and USE the campaign hashtags both on twitter and facebook
- Nice to mee you, you are...? If you're a business, check out our info hub BusinessPreparedness, if you're an individual don't miss PreparednessHub which is your portal to pretty much everything, and then there are also special places for Schools and Places of Worship. WELCOME!
07/10/2016 Winner Annoucement please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.
WOW! What a brilliant 'September is Preparedness Month' 2016 it has been. THANK YOU to EVERYONE that took part and made it all possible! You’re all absolutely awesome raising awareness for emergency preparedness and getting better prepared for yourself and your communities small and large. So, on this final day we simply would like you to continue: GO ON and make the #PLEDGE that you will continue learning and actively building your own resilience and preparedness well into the coming weeks and months. Preparedness should simply become part of your daily life, part of who you are, your capabilities and capacities to face whatever the future may bring. Here are the final links to facebook and twitter; plus a note on the prize draw which closes 03Nov so get your entries in on time: it will take us a couple of days to tally it all up and organize the random draw. Winners will be announced in here during the 2nd week of October and also on facebook so please stay tuned to find out if you're been lucky. T&C's at the very end of this page.
Final ‘Challenge’: go on – don’t be shy, make the pledge to be a preparedness champion, get better prepared and continue spreading the word. The pledge is: I will carry on being prepared and ready to deal with any emergency I may come across; I will make sure my family and friends are aware of emergency preparedness and encourage them to become better prepared; I will be more aware of my community around me and make sure that I get involved with supporting my neighbours; If time permits, I will get involved with volunteering for supporting my community. Show your support by adding a Twibbon to your social media profile and ‘wear’ it with pride. Well done!!!
Final Action: please feedback on this year’s #30days30waysUK campaign. What was best? What was not so good and can be done better? What did you enjoy doing the least and what was great? Let us know. Finally, stay tuned for the winner announcements on facebook and in here. For exact T&C’s scroll to the very bottom of the page. Good luck and thanks again for taking part #PREPARED #WINTERREADY #30days30waysUK until next year - or throughout if you’re staying tuned with us here at EVAQ8 because we always are and remain passionate about Emergency Preparedness.
This year EVAQ8 is delighted to host DAY 7 on SHELTER-IN-PLACE
Active links and programme follow below so don't miss. We run our popular PRIZE LOTTERY during the ENTIRE MONTH. FACEBOOK | TWITTER follow @EVAQ8_news AND #30days30waysUK. The Day 7 slide sequence is now also on pininterest.
- LIKE - SHARE - TAG - RETWEET EVAQ8 campaign posts on facebook and twitter
- for each action you take you get 1 entry into the price draw
- complete a daily challenge (more below) and tag EVAQ8 you get 10 entries into the prize draw
What's the PRIZE and who can take part?
ONE 72 hour kit shelter in place - TWO GoBags 72 hour supplies - THREE Car Safety Kits (starter)
... and a bunch of MRE /ration packs as consolation prizes (warehouse says 10 but there may be more up for grabs by the end of the month so we'll let you know)
Basicially, once SEPTEMBER is PREPAREDNESS MONTH #30days30waysUK is over, you sit back and relax while we tally up and organize a random draw. Then during the first week of October we will announce the winners IN HERE and on facebook. The usual T&C's applies which means you must be over 18, proof of ID/address may be required, prizes must be claimed by the end of the month, free shipping only to mainland UK and no substitutions.
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Being able to anticipate, identify and manage beforehand how you and your family are likely to feel, think and respond in an emergency is absolutely crucial. So, every day during #30days30waysUK we look at a different PREPAREDNESS angle and give you a different challenge.
30Sep Day30 final day #30days30waysUK: preparedness #pledge
WOW! What a brilliant 'September is Preparedness Month' 2016 it has been. THANK YOU to EVERYONE that took part and made it all possible! You’re all absolutely awesome raising awareness for emergency preparedness and getting better prepared for yourself and your communities small and large. So, on this final day we simply would like you to continue: GO ON and make the #PLEDGE that you will continue learning and actively building your own resilience and preparedness well into the coming weeks and months. Preparedness should simply become part of your daily life, part of who you are, your capabilities and capacities to face whatever the future may bring. Here are the final links to facebook and twitter; plus a note on the prize draw which closes 03Nov so get your entries in on time: it will take us a couple of days to tally it all up and organize the random draw. Winners will be announced in here during the 2nd week of October and also on facebook so please stay tuned to find out if you're been lucky. T&C's at the very end of this page.
Final ‘Challenge’: go on – don’t be shy, make the pledge to be a preparedness champion, get better prepared and continue spreading the word. The pledge is: I will carry on being prepared and ready to deal with any emergency I may come across; I will make sure my family and friends are aware of emergency preparedness and encourage them to become better prepared; I will be more aware of my community around me and make sure that I get involved with supporting my neighbours; If time permits, I will get involved with volunteering for supporting my community. Show your support by adding a Twibbon to your social media profile and ‘wear’ it with pride. Well done!!!
Final Action: please feedback on this year’s #30days30waysUK campaign. What was best? What was not so good and can be done better? What did you enjoy doing the least and what was great? Let us know. Finally, stay tuned for the winner announcements on facebook and in here. For exact T&C’s scroll to the very bottom of the page. Good luck and thanks again for taking part #PREPARED #WINTERREADY #30days30waysUK until next year - or throughout if you’re staying tuned with us here at EVAQ8 because we always are and remain passionate about Emergency Preparedness.
29Sep Day29 #30days30waysUK: “winter is coming” #WinterPreparedness #WinterReady
It may seem early but winter is coming - and not just on your screen ;-) NOW during September and October is the best time to get prepared! Severe weather like the now ‘regular’ autumn and winter storms can knock out power, public transport and communications for several days. Self-reliance is key so have a look back at Day7 and review Shelter-In-Place as well as Day6 blog on power cut. In the majority of cases it is best to stay indoors, stay warm and stay safe. Naturally, you will want your home emergency kit ready and fully stocked with long shelf-life food and survival supplies covering all 5 emergency preparedness areas. But it’s not just about you, it’s also about community resilience which means stay in touch and check on your neighbours and friends who may welcome extra help. If you cannot stay put and absolutely must travel by car, always carry a well-stocked car emergency kit in case you get caught out on the road. Know about winter driving and NEVER drive through flood waters! Stay #weatheraware at all times with Met Office Severe Weather Warnings and keep updated with traffic alerts. Finally read more on preparedness for severe winter and revisit preparedness for storm and preparedness for flooding which all come together for better #WinterPreparedness: get a kit, make a plan, be informed. | Today's facebook and twitter.
Challenge: follow today’s hashtags and decide which social media accounts are the most important ones for you to follow permanently to stay on top of the most relevant information for you
Action: for today, follow (#FF) @NorthantsPolice, @northantsfire, Highways Agency @NNHighways @HighwaysEngland; @metofficeUK; Western Power @wpduk; Northamptonshire County Council Emergency Planning Team @NorthantsEPTeam; Northants 4x4 Response @N44RT; Environment Agency @EnvAgency. Tell us and share which accounts you find the most useful to be #WinterReady.
28Sep Day28 #30days30waysUK: Flooding is a top local and national risk #FloodAware
Flooding happens for a number of reasons but is always linked to drainage system failures either natural or man- made such as rivers bursting their banks or surface water runoff. Different types of flooding can and often do occur during a single severe weather event such as a storm with excessive rainfall. These are bound to become more frequent and more severe as we write about in resilience blog prepare for a warmer world. Follow your local Environment Agency twitter accounts and check out their excellent flood warning information service in addition to following @metoffice severe weather warnings. Also, your local resilience forum will have information specific to your local area. For example Northamptonshire have developed a brilliant Flood Toolkit and you can also find more information here with regards to preparedness for flooding. Todays links on facebook and twitter.
Challenge: are you one of the six homes at risk of flooding?
Action: find out more about your flood risk by visiting the above links. Did you find the information you were looking for? How useful was #FloodToolkit? What have you found out that is relevant to you and how will you use the information and go from #FloodAware to #FloodPrepared? Share on social media using today’s hashtags and post pictures and comments.
27Sep Day27 #30days30waysUK: choose the right level of medical assistance #ChooseWell
What level of medical assistance do you really need? Is it a life-threatening emergency and you need A&E or is other help more appropriate? Choose the best approach for your needs ranging from self-care, pharmacy contact, calling NHS 111, GP visit or going to the A&E. Unsure where your nearest health services are? Visit nhs.uk | today's facebook and twitter links.
Challenge: familiarize yourself with the various options you have instead of going straight to A&E and write down the contacts. You may find something more suitable for you if you ever need medical help.
Action: today, follow @ardengem who will be tweeting about #choosewell throughout the day. Please like and share across social media to help raise awareness. Follow the twitter accounts of your local services.
26Sep Day26 #30days30waysUK: know when to call 999 #WhoYouGoingToCall
Did you know that 999 is the world’s oldest emergency call service, introduced to a small part of London in 1937 following a house fire on Wimpole Street when five women lost their lives? Today we have the situation that only about 25% of calls to 999 are genuine emergencies. So, do you know who to call when? 999 should only be used when there is danger to life, ie a crime is in progress or violence is being used or threatened. Use 101 for all other non-life-threatening situations. Watch today’s video which shows what happens when you make a 999 call. Today's facebook and twitter.
Challenge: make sure that all children and young people in your family know what their address is. This is important information to report to the emergency services so they can find you. Find out more about and follow your local emergency services social media accounts. Be informed.
Action: today, follow the hashtags and the Police Force Control Room @NorthantsFCR They will be tweeting about some real calls they have received, some being proper 999 calls and some being incidents that should have been reported to 101. Identify and re-tweet those calls you feel are not a genuine emergency and should have been reported to 101. Alternatively, you can tell us about how you differentiate 999 and 101 from your own experience or via examples.
25Sep Day25 #30days30waysUK: check your meds #drugsbust
What if we were able to take the millions and billions of wasted medicines and redirect them to those who lack access? The cost of waste medicines is better invested in funding life saving treatments. Every year millions of pounds are wasted in unused medicines; money that could be spent on other vital NHS services. Estimates are that 50% of medicines waste is preventable and there are easy steps everyone can take. Follow today's tips and hashtag and check out "manageyourmedicines.co.uk" which is applicable not only in Northamptonshire. | facebook & twitter links
Challenge: #Drugsbust
Action: check the expiry date on all your medicines and correctly dispose of those that are out of date through your local pharmacy or dispensing practice. Discuss with relatives or neighbours, especially if they're elderly. What was your #drugsbust like? Share on social media.
24Sep Day24 #30days30waysUK: preparedness builds #CommunityResilience - #GetTalking
You are never really alone in a real emergency. We all have to rely on each another in myriads of ways to cope with disaster. Emergency services will respond but they cannot get to everyone right away. It pays to be ready and better prepared – also in your wider communities. Follow today’s hashtags and get stuck in with #CommunityResilience. A number of e.g. Flood Action and other groups as well as brilliant schemes operate in many parts of the UK. Find out via your Local Resilience Forum and don’t miss our blog: UK Community Resilience – a brilliant example of what really works. | Today's facebook and twitter.
Challenge: build and increase your local community resilience
Action: be pro-active (but gentle), introduce yourself to people in your neighbourhood and find a way to discuss emergency preparedness. How can you work together? What are the reactions and ways forward? Use hashtag #GetTalking.
23Sep Day23 #30days30waysUK: food safety, perishable+ non-perishable food #DateNight
Ever experienced food poisoning? While not life threatening it may certainly feel so as some of the half a million UK sufferers every year may attest. Power cuts (see day 6) can affect your safe food storage. Perishable foods should not be stored above 5C for more than 2 hours. So what happens to the food safety in your fridge and freezer when there is an extended power cut? Follow the hashtag and today's tips. In addition, the Food Standards Agency has a special page on Flooding: Food Safety Advice and lots of useful info on how to avoid food poisoning. More info also on non-perishable emergency food storage. | Today’s facebook and twitter.
Challenge: check your own food safety and evaluate your emergency food storage
Action: have a #DateNight and go through your cupboards, fridge and freezer. Discard any out of date foods. What is your plan of action to store perishable food safely in an emergency? What type of non-perishable nutrition do you store? Post your answers and pictures on social media using the hashtags.
22Sep Day22 #30days30waysUK: hypothetical and a bit of fun #ZombieApocalypse
Breaking News: the zombie apocalypse we had feared has arrived. It has taken hold of five major UK cities near you. Scientists studying the infection have discovered it spreads through unclean and untreated wounds. Flyers are being air dropped as we speak about how to treat wounds and stop bleeding. Act immediately. If wounds do not heal if a few days, please report to your local zombie quarantine centre. | Aside: Obviously there is no outbreak. Please don't go all 'war of the worlds' on us. Today's theme is about the treatment of cuts and grazes and the stopping of bleeds. Links today facebook, twitter and more on Medical Kits and First Aid.
Challenge: follow today's hashtags and @NEAT_Ambulance for tips on how to stop bleeds
Action: share pictures of you practising dressing a wound and include #30days30waysUK #ZombieApocalypse
21Sep Day21 #30days30waysUK: world #PeaceDay
Today is World Peace Day, commemorating and strengthening the ideal of peace. This year the theme is "Building Blocks for Peace". Acts of kindness go a long way and start very small with simply a smile and a friendly hello, listening to others and (pro) active assistance. Altruism (disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others) is powerful and makes a lot of sense as our blog discusses in Altruism and Resilience – a crucial yet complex link and why it pays to be kind. Today's link facebook and twitter.
Challenge: how will be altruistic today? What is your random act of kindness? Follow todays posts and join.
Action: do one act of kindness today, however small and if you can, tell that person why you are doing it. Share what you have done using #30Days30WaysUK #PeaceDay
20Sep Day 20 #30days30ways: UK hygiene - hand washing #ViralVirus
Good hand hygiene is important. Salmonella, campylobacter, MRSA, flu, diarrhoea, the common cold, impetigo etc. are just some of the bacteria and viruses passed between people who do not wash their hands. Some germs can stay alive on our hands for up to three hours and in that time they can be spread to all the things we touch, including food and other people. The best way of preventing infection passing from one person to another is by regular hand washing throughout the day. Today's links facebook and twitter.
Challenge: share the importance of proper hygiene and how it can impact during a disaster. The #30days30waysUK is about engaging with social media creatively throughout the month and today we’re aiming for a ‘viral’ effect, hence the special hashtag #ViralVirus
Action: Watch Handwashing Gangnam Style and get in the mood! Have fun and be creative to share the hand hygiene / hand washing message. Make a short video of how you wash your hands or post some images, drawings and messages and share on social media. Use the hashtags.
19Sep Day19 #30days30waysUK: health check #StayHealthy
Flu season is almost upon us. Reduce your risk of getting the flu a) get your vaccination b) cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze c) practice good hygiene and hand washing d) if you feel ill, stay at home and rest. Every five years you will be invited to a NHS health check if you are between 40 and 74 years old, as long as you don't have an existing vascular condition, usually at a GP practice or local pharmacy. If you’re aged 65 or more you are also eligible for a free seasonable flu vaccination which will help protect you during the autumn and winter months when vulnerability to flu increases. In addition while you are here, have a look at our info page on preparedness for older adults with lots of useful tips and links. | Todays links facebook and twitter. Join, follow and use the hashtags.
Challenge: find out if you or a family member qualifies for any of the health checks and make sure you contact your local GP and book an appointment.
Action: talk to your family members and neighbours so that they too may take up these health benefits
18Sep Day18 #30days30waysUK: celebrating online communities #Social #StaySafe
There is no getting away from it. We all have an ‘online life’ to some extent. Are you one of the 63% of adults who use social media daily? We all love tweets, status updates, selfies, cat videos and - to some extent - other people’s lunches etc. During a crisis, social media erupts and, like a volcano, spews out all sort of things most of it red hot and not terribly useful. Such reactions spark and perpetuate myths which can be harmful if not downright life threatening so being responsible and keeping a cool head is key. Social media, however, can also be a boon – like facebook’s ‘safety check’ feature which lets you tell friends that you’re safe and you can see their status in return. Most recently this was extensively used during the earthquake in Italy. Critical information is also instantly available via twitter (Twitter Alerts come to the UK) so it makes sense to follow YOUR local emergency services and accounts such as @metofficeUK , @EnvAgency, @HighwaysEngland etc. Also of interest BBC How the Paris attacks unfolded on social media and Social media a blessing and a curse in Munich shooting. Today's link facebook and twitter nd don't miss @LDN_prepared storify how social media has been used in London
Challenge: let’s share #30Days30WaysUK! Your challenge today is to come up with some imaginative social media posts to reinforce the preparedness messages we have been sharing with you. Your contributions can also be facebook status updates, vines, blogs, photos …
Action: see above. Make some digital ‘noise’ to help raise awareness for emergency preparedness and use hashtag #30Days30WaysUK. Let’s get #30days30waysUK trending on twitter.
17Sep Day17 #30days30waysUK : First Aid #UnconsciousCasualty
It happens to everyone, at least once in their lifetime and for many reasons. If you find an unconscious person, do you know what to do? Knowing First Aid is a brilliant skill for life but if you’re unsure, call handlers at 999 know exactly just how to talk you through so this is where you begin. If a person is unconscious but is breathing and has no other life-threatening conditions, they should be placed in the recovery position. You can find out more today via Local-Medic (@localmedic ) who will be posting tips and info today and also via the NHS and SJA StJohnAmbulance. Finally our video playlists FirstAid 1+2 are worth a look but nothing replaces the best thing: update and upgrade your First Aid training at a convenient location near you. | Todays links facebook + twitter.
Challenge: follow #30days30waysUK and @localmedic for the 10 most common causes of unconsciousness and the 5 quiz questions throughout the day
Action: take the LocalMedics quiz to test your knowledge from the posts and/or post your answers
16Sep Day16 #30days30waysUK: British Red Cross #EmergencyAPP saves lives
Do you know that the British Red Cross (@BritishRedCross) has a brilliant FREE Emergency app that could save your life? Watch the VIDEO. The !Emergency App delivers real-time updates in the form of severe weather warnings, threat level alerts and practical advice in an emergency. Customize the app by adding places and people important to you. Don’t miss! | Today's links to your visuals on facebook & twitter.
Challenge: check out the links above and download the British Red Cross App.
Action: test drive and customise your new app, then show us a screenshot and/or how you’re using it. Find i useful? Share using today’s hashtag. Do you have any other favourite emergency apps? Which ones and why? Share on social media, using the hashtags.
15 Sep Day15 #30days30waysUK: Emergency Preparedness with #PETS don’t leave anyone behind
Your emergency preparedness plans must include your pets. Responsible animal ownership and animal welfare is law; besides aren’t they simply ‘part of the family’? No one should be left behind. Pet preparedness is easy and we’ve put together a handy information page you can access. Also take note of today’s five key messages: 1.Plan for your animal’s needs in an emergency; 2.Have a suitable carrier; is your animal used to being on a lead? 3. Check that your animal is vaccinated and you have the record card to hand in case it needs to go to kennels 4. Check that you have your vet's details and medication to hand (including first aid) 5.If you can't evacuate your animal you must report this. If you don't know who to contact, ask your vet or the RSPCA. Follow the hashtags today for more excellent tips and info. | Today's facebook, twitter and meet Ozzy and Ruby Tuesday
Challenge: make sure your emergency plan includes looking after your pets
Action: watch the short video and share a photo of you #PETS and how they are #prepared
14 Sep Day14 #30days30waysUK: Emergencies not only happen during the day #SleepSafe NightyNight!
Emergencies not only happend during the day or in the morning when you're wide awake. You may need to evacuate in the middle of the night following an incident. There may be hazards in your home such as broken glass, debris or rubble you may only dimly be aware of. It's even worse if there is also a power cut. At the very least, give your spare good pair of sturdy shoes a new home under your bed. Permanently. Just in case. And add a good torch (with working batteries) as well as having a coat nearby. It can be very cold at certain times of the year if you suddenly have to evacuate. Don't think for a moment that you can or should simply grab your blanket for cold protection and get out. In this scenario your duvet is not only a a fire hazard but also will restrict your movements. Best of all, put together an emergency kit or so called 'Grab Bag' and have it nearby in an easily accessible location. For ideas, check out our GoBags and how to build your own emergency kit. Finally, look back over Day 6 #PowerCut, Day 5 #PlanYourEscape and Day 2 #GrabBag. Simply scroll down.
Challenge: what kind of shoes and torch do you trust your life with? Take a look at our first twitter post or also facebook.
Action: place a torch and pair of shoes under your bed and share a picture of your stash. Tell us of any other ideas for your 'under-the-bed bundle'. See you on social media!
13 Sep Day13 #30days30waysUK: Smoke Alarms #TestItTuesday #SavingLives #FireWarning
Smoke Alarm, do you have one - or rather do you have one for every level of your house or (even better) in every room? GET IT. INSTALL IT. CHECK IT. Why? It could save your life. Faulty electrics such as appliances, wiring and overloaded sockets cause approximately 7000 house fires in the UK every year. Over half of home fires are caused by cooking accidents. The easiest and cheapest way to protect your family and home from fire is with a smoke alarm. #TestItTuesday is not only for today's campaign but a reminder EVERY Tuesday on twitter to check your smoke alarms. Why? People die every year because the battery in their smoke alarm was flat or missing. Let that NOT be you.
You also need a means to safely fight fire and an evacuation or fire escape plan. Check back (scroll down) to Day 5 #PlanYourEscape and also take a look at 'How to prepare for Fire' accessed also from our preparedness hub and other means of fire warning. Todays links facbook and twitter
Challenge: watch Test it Tuesday - Star Wars by Cheshire Fire Service and JOIN THE FORCE! Get informed about fire alarms, fire prevention. Skills are hugely important so consider fire warden or fire marshal training perhaps in the near future.
Action: inventory and check all the smoke alarms at your property. If there is a lack, purchase and install one at least for every level. They are cheap and easy to install. Take a picture and share using the hashtags.
12Sep Day12 #30days30ways UK: #security and counterterrorism #RunTellHide
Current threat levels in the UK remain at SEVERE, upgraded by MI5 from ‘substantial’ on 29 August 2014. Police and security agencies are working tirelessly to protect the public but it is also important that communities remain vigilant and aware of how to protect themselves if the need arises. Firearms and weapons attacks are thankfully extremely rare, but you must know to do stay safe. Read resilience blog What are “invacuation”, “lock-down” and “shelter-in-place”? (it's not just relevant for business) and watch the short film and also check out our curated video playlists, i.e. category ‘survival’: How to Survive- Shot, Stabbed or Wounded (Discovery Channel)
For business, the AON Risk Maps and info downloads are useful. As usual link to facebook and first twitter post.
Challenge: get informed, check out the links given above
Action: discuss and share sensitively with colleagues and relatives. What are your reactions? Use #30days30waysUK #RunHideTell
11Sep Day11 #30days30ways UK: situational awareness #WaterSafety
Drowning and near drowning not only happens in summer. Situational awareness around #WaterSafety is hugely important all year round. According to the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) One person drowns every 20 hours in the UK and hundreds more suffer life changing injuries through near drowning. Don’t become a statistic. Watch the VIDEO aimed at under 11's. Follow the #30days30waysUK campaign across social media via the hashtags. More indepth information also via WHO Guidelines for safe recreational water environments; British Red Cros on Dealing with drowning; RYA on cold shock, hypothermia and drowning. Links to facebook and first twitter post.
Challenge: take a critical look at your surroundings near your home, work, study place and places you frequent and note any open water that may present a danger. Talk to children about the risks without frightening them. Use the video in the resources and the RLSS website.
Action: like, share and tag this post to take part in the lottery and help raise awareness for #WaterSafety and #DrowningPrevention as part of the #30days30waysUK September is preparedness month campaign. What are you aware of? How do you inform your family? What practical steps do you take?
10Sep Day10 #30days30waysUK: beware of #CYBERCRIME - #STAYSAFEONLINE
Cybercrime or online crime is simply when a digital system is the target as well as the means of attack. That mainly means vulnerability of your phone, tablet, computer and potentially any other digital devices that can be ‘hacked’. So called ‘ransomware’ has been in the headlines recently but there are many other forms of cybercrime. It’s a huge problem. In the UK there are 12.5m victims of cyber-crime and global damage is estimated at £18-27 billion, which is probably just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. It really makes a lot of sense to be better informed, prepared and – crucially – stay updated. Social links today are facebook and first twitter post.
Challenge: most cybercrime can be prevented so follow the handy tips today on #30Days30WaysUK. Other resources are getsafeonline.org, cyberstreetwise especially cyberstreetwise essentials if you are self-employed or an SME; also check out CEOP police and their special site ThinkUKnow for young people, families and teachers.
Action: look through the links above and share with your family, friends and colleagues. Tell us what tip is new or especially important to you. Were you ever targeted? Use the hashtags.
09 Sep Day 9 #30days30waysUK who doens't like a good DISASTER MOVIE? It's Friday #FilmNight!
Disaster films are a movie genre that portray real or fictional natural disaster events with 'the heat turned up' like 'super' floods, 'mega' volcano (ie in downtown LA!!), 'deep-freeze' severe winter (in a 'cosy' library burning all the world's knowledge)... There are also security/terrorism related movies and 'outbreak' scenarios some of which seem to some times have inspired and widened the popular 'zombie apocalypse' subgenre. Movies are just that: movies. However, they do shape our collective imagination, letting us explore and 'play' with hypotheticals. The trick is to 'turn the heat down' and bring some science in - not science fiction! Check out our playlists on YouTube, sit back and enjoy the show!! All playlists; trailers and more; a good list of disaster films is also on wikipedia inc info on rating.
Challenge: well it shouldn't be for at the end of these first 9 days we all deserve a break and you're going to have some fun tonight (or another night if you're busy - after all TGIF!) Get your popcurn, close the curtains, and put your feet up. SHOWTIME!!
Action: tell us, what's your favorite disaster film? Use #30Days30WaysUK and #FilmNight and if you can include a link to the trailer so we can also take a peek.
08 Sep Day8 #30days30waysUK: we are talking #WEATHERAWARE #WEATHERWATCHING
Being informed about the weather aka #weatheraware is intuitive for most of us and it’s important for #preparedness. You will want to see it coming; and not just short term. Droughts/heatwaves as well as flooding are complex phenomena and don’t simply happen ‘out of the blue’ but over time. Climatemigration has a good article on such so called ‘slow onset disasters’; it does not only apply to the third world. To help you stay informed locally, the Met Office has a brilliant app and their website is pretty cool too so check it out. For flood alerts check out the EA’s watermaps (use their navigation) and the brilliant gaugemap. | Todays' link to facebook + first twitter post
Challenge: look at the website from the Met Office which looks at community resilience which gives you great links to what to do in weather related emergencies. Share this link with friends, family and colleagues.
Action: in addition to the above book mark the link to the Met Office Weather Warnings and register for FREE to receive flood alerts.
07 Sep Day7 #30days30waysUK: #ShelterInPlace | 72 hour+ self reliance
Shelter-in-place or SIP for short is part of being prepared for emergencies. It is the opposite of evacuation. Depending on the situation it is also called ‘invacuation’ or ‘lock-down’. Read our resilience blog accessed via EVAQ8.co.uk/blog or also,memorably, | link to facebook; first twitter post - follow @EVAQ8_news AND #30days30waysUK; slide sequense is now also on pininterest.
Challenge: go through your stores at home and start making your 72+ hour shelter-in-place kit for all the members in your household, covering the 5 preparedness core areas. All chosen items must be in good working order and have a shelf life of minimum one year. Add special items for children and include your pet(s).
Action: take a picture of your SIP Kit and share it, using #30days30waysUK #ShelterInPlace (or #SIP)
06 Sept Day6 #30days30waysUK: #POWERCUT - who you gonna call?
72% don't know who to contact during a power cut and many wrongly think to contact their supplier. A new emergency number 105 has been created to make it easy, see powercut105.com and our blog, accessed memorably via bit.ly/powercutUK Have you ever experienced a power cut? If so, then what comes next is probably quite easy and if not, this kind of thinking is your first step for planning. Link to facebook post Day 6 | twitter
Challenge: Think about what your alternative power sources will be in case of a power cut? How will you charge your phone, cook and heat? What about light, communication? What else?
Action: share your experience and thoughts on the challenge.
05 Sep Day5 #30days30waysUK: plan for 2 safe escape routes #PlanYourEscape safe #evacuation
In a real emergency you may only have seconds to GET OUT – STAY OUT – call999. Do you have a plan? How well practised are you? What about your family? This is very important in case something happens in the middle of the night as this Canadian What's your Fire Escape Plan video explains very well so do take a closer look. Link to facebook post Day 5 (twitter)
Challenge: plan and draw your safe escape routes with your family. Include them also in your Familily Emergency Preparedness Plans
Action: take a quick snapshot of your plan and share it with us, using the hashtags. Alternatively, make a short video or cartoon
04 Sep Day4 #30days30waysUK: high visibility saves lives #BeBrightBeSeen #hiviz
Challenge: It's back to school and so it's time to sit down with your kids and discuss road safety. How can your child be seen more easily, avoiding accidents? This is particularly important for over 11 year olds who often do longer journeys on foot. Link to facebook post day 4 (twitter)
Action: Follow #30days30waysUK and today's host @rsnorthants. Take a photo of kid(s) dressed in how they are going to be seen. Northamptonshire Highways and all of us will be looking for great examples and sharing to raise awarenss and help save lives.
03 Sep Day3 #30days30waysUK: always #DRIVEPREPARED carry a kit for #CarSafety
Challenge: Do you know what to do in case of a road side or driving emergency? Follow the hashtag for brilliant tips throughout the day. For kit ideas, check out our main category Car&Vehicle and CarTravelKits. Link to facebook post day3 (twitter)
Action: Follow #30Days30WaysUK and today's host @N44RT and build your car safety kit. Take a photo of your car’s towing eye, wheel nut key and the other things you carry in case of a roadside emergency, e.g. first aid kit, water, high vis jackets
02 Sep Day2 #30days30waysUK: save evacuation #GRAB YOUR BAG | #GrabBag
Challenge: sit down with your family members to discuss and complete your preparedness plan. What are the most important aspects for you? What is the most important or unique item in your grab bag? If you're starting from scratch, check out our FREE emergency plan resources. Link to facebook post day2 (twitter)
Action: Share your insights and pictures of you putting together your grab bag (respond to our fb posts and/or tag EVAQ8 to enter the lottery: facebook @evaq8.co.uk | twitter @EVAQ8_news)
01Sep Day1 #30days30waysUK: THROW BACK THURSDAY #TBT
Challenge: find out about local risks. Look at your Community Risk Register (available from your local resilience forum) and see if you can find any emergencies on the register that have happened in the past in your area. How have these emergencies affected your community? Who was then and is today responsible for managing emergencies and community recovery? Which agencies provide you with reliable information during an emergency? Link to facebook post day 1 (twitter)
Action: share a picture or story of an emergency or event that affected you community at some point in history using the hashtags above and tag @30Days30WaysUK (and also to tag EVAQ8 to enter the lottery: facebook @evaq8.co.uk | twitter @EVAQ8_news)
On the eve of #30Days30WaysUK we thank our partners. We all have some exciting challenges for you!! pic.twitter.com/AAunGOX8ug
— NorthantsEmergencies (@NorthantsEPTeam) August 31, 2016
EVAQ8 email campaigns: Private 160901 | Business B160901
T&C's of EVAQ8 prize draws: winner will be drawn by random lottery and announced here and on facebook. Over 18's only, prize must be claimed by email to news@evaq8.co.uk by 30/10/2016, you may need to prove your identity, free shipping to UK mainland only, no substitutions. Any question, simply get in touch. Good luck!
Winner Annoucement - lottery draw 30days30waysUK 2016 participants
Winner announcements of the 2016 #30days30waysUK participants on social media by random lottery, congratulations go to:
1 72 Hour kit: Mark Goodger
2 Go Bags: Simon Green; Elizabeth Mills
3 Car Safety Kits: Paul Overton; Stephen Kelley, Rob Saunders
We had a change of heart with regards to the consolation prizes so rather than doing a random lottery we wanted to award them to those people that have consistently supported the campaign and shared their personal stories. Therefore, the following brilliant supporters can each claim a self-heating MRE of their choosing
Dawn Harman, Thalia Kramer, Chris Searle, Billy McArdle, Michael Andreas Firth Letschert and Sherry Sousley
If you are amongst the lucky winners, you must get in touch with news@evaq8.co.uk by latest 30/10/2016 to claim your prize. Over 18's only and proof of address will be required (ie driving license copy is easiest). Free shipping to mainland UK only, no substutions.
Thank you all for participating. See you next year!