The last thing you need after an emergency such as severe weather and flooding which has knocked out your power supply is food poisoning. Knowing what to do before, during and after a powercut, brownout or blackout is important to avoid potentially serious health problems.
Food Safety in an Emergency: it’s all about time and temperature control
Know your numbers for safe food:
- +5C fridge setting or less to keep food cool (40F)
- -18C freezer setting or less to keep food frozen (0F)
- 2 days = max time food stays frozen in a well-stocked , unopened freezer
- 4 hours = max time food stays cold in a well-stocked, unopened fridge
Importantly, not all spoiled food will look or smell bad. So, after 4 hours of power outage, transfer foods that spoil faster into a cooler with ice and keep under 5C: meat, dairy, cheese.
Food Safety in an Emergency: what to keep and what to throw out
Thankfully, power cuts are usually quickly resolved but when they’re not, your fridge is your week point. Remember to transfer your fridge food after 4 hours of power outage to an ice cooler and keep it under 5C . Your food safety rule of thumb: when in doubt, throw it out. Food poisoning, while usually not life threatening, is nevertheless seriously unpleasant.
You can keep frozen food that are still icy and uncooked fruit and vegetable. After more than 2 hours at room temperature throw out: meat, soft cheese, opened sauces, leftovers, sliced fruit and vegetables, cooked fruit and vegetables. Remember, not all spoiled food looks or smells bad. When in doubt – throw it out!
WATCH FDA’s video Food Safety during Power Outages
Another good video is from Canada, with Chef Geremy Capone from ELLICSR Kitchen
Preparedness, including food safety, are big topics in the US as these two tweets leading up to and during Hurricane Irma show
Expect to lose power. Here are some food safety tips for when you do. #Irma
— FDACSNews (@FDACSNews) September 10, 2017
Refrigerated foods like meat, seafood, milk & eggs should B tossed if power is out for more than 4 hrs. More ↓ #Irma — USDA Food Safety (@USDAFoodSafety) September 7, 2017
In the UK, food safety information is somewhat more thin on the ground especially with regards to preparedness. However, the good news is that Food Safety guidance aimed at catering business is easily adaptable to household preparedness. For example, check out the Food Standard Agencys’ page How chilled is your food, safer food better business and their food alerts.
In the US, there is a dedicated number to call in emergencies.
#FoodSafety questions following #hurricane aftermath? Call our food safety experts for help. We’re open M-F 10am-6pm EST. #Harvey #Irma
— USDA Food Safety (@USDAFoodSafety) September 7, 2017
As far as I’m aware, that kind of service is not yet available in the UK. Like with so much about preparedness, there is much that yet needs to be done all around. And this leads me to ask: do you know about #30days30waysUK? It’s a month long campaign each September to boost personal preparedness and resilience. Day 19 (#prep2017day19) is about food safety. Follow @30days30waysUK and take part. And finally, check out the info pages here on UK Food Security and Emergency and Survival Food.
Be prepared, not scared.
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RT @BCCommission: RT @BaldwinEMA: how to preserve food during a #PowerOutage. #NatlPrep #PrepareAthon #BeReadyBC
— Alabama Counties (@AlabamaCounties) September 23, 2015