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Emergency Preparedness CARTOONS

Emergency Preparedness is no laughing matter, however...

Laughing helps learning and humour buffers individuals against the negative side effects of stress.

These ideas are well established in psychology1. In addition, framing messages about risks positively can significantly encourage risk reduction behaviour2. 

Talking about emergency and disaster preparedness, which is what we do, can be quite stressful and even threatening for those approaching this important subject for the first time. This is the reason why we choose humour in some of our strategies to raise awareness for emergency and disaster preparedness; for example in our Resilience Blog and on social media such as twitter @EVAQ8_news and facebook @EVAQ8.co.uk.
Getting the balance right is tricky. We hope you will enjoy our attempts of interpreting complex issues and finding comic angles, silver linings and occasionally highlighting the need to perhaps re-evaluate.

Also see our collection of inspirational and motivational resilience quotes: series 1, series 2


Here is our cartoon collection so far:

Short video clips:


Resilience Blog:  Welcome to 2017 – be prepared, not scared

Emergency Preparedness cartoon - welcome to 2017 be prepared not scared


Resilience Blog: The 2016 National Flood Resilience Review for the time-pressed


Series for the "September is Preparedness Month" national campaign on social media, titled #30days30waysUK 2016; also tying into Resilience Blog SIP: SHELTER-IN-PLACE | September is Preparedness Month and The ‘new’ 5Ps + 5Cs for a resilient tomorrow


Flooding and the challenge of food preparation 


Emergency Preparedness Planning always must include pets.
Safe evacuation | also see Resilience Blog What exactly does safe evacuation look like?


 First Aid, training is essential; practise makes perfect...


Shelter-in-place; cool and composed; prepared - not scared.



Winter driving #WinterReady



Preparedness is peace of mind both for 'Shelter-in-Place' and 'Evacuation'.


Small Business Preparedness (SMEs), powercuts, crisis management, business continuity, productivity


Small business lock-down or shelter-in-place | Business Contingency 




1 for example

  • APA, 2006; Science Daily 2005
  • Whisonant, 1998 The Effects of Humour on Cognive Learning in a computer-based environment
  • Abel, Millicent H. 1998 Interaction of humor and gender in moderating relationships between stress and outcomes. The Journal of Psychology 132, 267–276
  • Martin, Rod A. 1996 The Situational Humor Response Questionnaire (SHRQ) and Coping Humor Scale (CHS): A decade of research findings. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 9(3/4), 251–272
  • Martin, Rod A. and Herbert M. Lefcourt 1983 Sense of humor as a moderator of the relation between stressors and moods. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 45, 1313–1324. 
  • Martin, Rod A. and James P. Dobbin 1988 Sense of humor, hassles, and immunoglobin A: Evidence for a stressmoderating effect. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 18, 93–105.

2 Communicating Risk, PostNote Number 564 November 2017, Houses of Parliament, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology