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Emergency Grab Bag What & Why

Updated February 2024

In the UK, recent events and latest government guidance* are prompting businesses to re-evaluate their risk management and crisis response. Here, a crucial component is the so called Emergency Grab Bag or Crisis Response Kit. As the UK's Emergency Preparedness specialist, we have many years of experience in making Grab Bags; that is both standard and bespoke emergency kits for business of all sizes. For more information see about us and the network of satisfied EVAQ8 customers.

Each business is unique so you may wish to assemble your own kit for your Business Preparedness. To help you assemble your own busines grab bag, we have put together a list of suggested emergency grab bag contents.  

Unlike Business Contigency Kits which are designed for 'invacuation', lock-down or shelter-inplace, a Business Grab Bag is used during any incident that requires the safe evacuation of your premises. It should contain essential equipment and information as listed below. Both types of kits are also referred to as Crisis Incident Kits or Crisis Response Kits in recently published government guidance. * 

Recommended Business Grab Bag contents:

Information & Documentation
radio & electrics | torch
Health & Safety
Security & Site Safety
  • spare keys & access codes
  • site safety items e.g. hazard cordon tape & multi tools / survival tools
  • optical
First Aid
  • hygiene wipes, hand and surface sanitizer; bathing wipes etc.
Food & Water
  • disposable camera; apps on spare phone
  • spare petty cash
  • USB drives with critical information
  • robust bag or case to store all items

The above list is a general recommendation. Every business is different and your Business Grab Bag content should reflect your particular Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity needs.

Standard emergency grab bags for the workplace are available for immediate dispatch, for example Emergency Grab Bag or Incident Controller Grab Bag for Business. All items in stock. Orders placed before 1pm ship the same day.  

For the full range of products see our top navigation, for more EVAQ8 Business Emergency Kits simply visit Workplace Kits and Bespoke Orders.

site evacuation kit 100 personsSite Evacuation Kit 100 Personsincident controller grabbagIncident Controller GrabBagbusiness grab bragBusiness Grab Bag

 * Previously: National Counter Terrorism Security Advice Office (NaCTSO), 2017 ‘crowded places guidance’ recommends a crisis response kit. The guidance is aimed at retail shops, events, transport and night time economy (NTE) such as pubs, clubs, cinemas, theatres, cafés, restaurants etc. and other businesses. For more information also see Business Preparedness

*Updated in 2023/4 by Martyn's Law which is designed to reduce the risk to the public from terrorism by the protection of public venues – increasing national security and personal safety : see our blog