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Food For Survival

Storage of Emergency & Survival Food



Food and Water are the primary ingredients of any emergency survival pack. Most households will stock food supplies for minimum two days, assuming no disruption to utilies such as water and power. Supermarkets generally have food stocks that will last two to three days. However, in anticipation of a severe weather event, or in the immediate aftermath of an incident, when re-supply is difficult or impossible, panic buying will deplete these stocks in a matter of hours.

You should store enough long shelf life food at home to give you autonomy for 3 to 10 days in case of an emergency, major incident or disaster situation. 

We recommend a storage provision of 2000 calories per adult per day. In nutritional terms, a kcal or kilocalorie, is the equivalent of one calorie (2000kcal = 2000 calories). Storing a mixture of ready-to-eat and long-life dried food is best.

...a note on Emergency Food for Business Organizations:

UK authorities recommend you stock a minimum of three days supplies of non-perishable food. Long-life rations and self-heating meals are obvious choices especially for crisis management. Stocking emergency food is advised also for lock-down scenario. In addition emergency food for business is relevant if you employ field personnel or are involved in responding to environmental or civil incidents. All our food products are available with whole sale pricing


Basic types of emergency and survival foods that you should consider storing

Datrex Emergency Ration 2400KcalSeven Ocean Emergency Food Ration Long Life Survival Biscuits

Emergency Rations

These are long-life biscuits or bars that are ready-to-eat. They are made specifically for emergency preparedness and are used in relief operations and for survival-at-sea.

The biscuits are formulated to provide a balanced nutrition for adults and children. As these rations are made into compressed biscuits, this is probably the most efficient way of storing food for emergencies. The maximum amount of calories, with balanced nutrition, for the minimum amount of storage space. 

You can pack over 250,000kcal in the same space occupied by an average suitcase. That is enought food for 125 days calculated at 2000 calories per person per day! Each 500g pack of emergency rations is robustly packed in waterproof and airtight aluminium foil under vacuum. They have a shelf-life of five or ten years depending on the manufacturer. The Seven Oceans survival ration is made for use in lifeboats and liferafts, you can therefore store these in extreme conditions without compromising the 5 year shelf-life;  Datrex is another quality brand.



Super fast energy: Energy Food & Drink

For the immediate delivery of energy in emergencies try i.e. glucose tablets (see Energy Food & Drink). Stock these in your GoBag  or Emergency Kit to give you an immediate energy boost when required. These products are not necessarily produced with a long shelf life in mind, so make sure that you rotate your stored stocks appropriately.
Freeze Dried Healthy Fruit MuesliFreeze Dried Tin Pasta Bolognaise


Freeze dried meals

Freeze dried meals are pre-cooked meals that have been flash frozen. Freeze dried meals have had most of the moisture evaporated away prior to packing, so they can be stored at room temperature without spoiling for a very long time, making them ideal for emergency food storage. Freeze dried foods keep their original shape, texture and taste for years. To prepare, all you have to do is add boiling water. The dried food will rehydrate to its original form (and taste) within minutes. Because the moisture has been removed from freeze dried foods they are very light-weight.

A single meal can weigh as little as 100 grams!

Freeze dried meals are packed in both foil pouches or metal tins. Freeze dried meals, packed in tins, specifically for emergency preparedness, have a proven shelf life of 25 years.

There are from 5 to 9 portions packed per tin depending on the menu type. Although these tins are initially costly to buy - they range from £25 to £39 per tin - they have a full 25 years of shelf-life. If stored for emergencies that works out to a cost of around £1.00 per tin per year! From a price inflation point of view alone, these tins are a good investment.

Imagine finding a fully balanced meal for £5 in 2040; highly unlikely in 25 years from now! Freeze dried meals are also available in single-portion size packed in foil pouches. These pouches have a shelf life of up to five years. Because freeze dried meals have virtually no liquid content they are not affected by cold temperatures, that's why they are used extensively in Antartic expeditions. Freeze dried meals will rehydrate normally even when stored in sub-zero temperatures.


Ration-X Self Heating Ration PackDay Ration Pack 3000 Kcal Ready To Eat Meal

MRE meals ready to eat and ration packs  

There are a multitude of ready-to-eat meals, made for the adventurer, camper or the military that are also suitable for emergency preparedness storage. Army ration packs, MREs (meals ready to eat), self-heating meals, etc can all be stored for emergencies and requie minimal food preparation.

Important: remember that your GoBag or so called Emergency Grab Bag should always contain ready-to-eat quality nutrition in case you have to evacuate and be self-sufficient for up to 72 hours which is the recommended minimum.


Also of interest:

Gluten free and Lactose free Camping and Survival Foods;  How to build your own Emergency Kit ; on UK Food Security;

EVAQ8 Resilience Blog: Rethinking Resilience – Capacities of Relief Staff & Volunteers in Disaster Zones and Modern Emergency Food Storage