Purchase Orders
EVAQ8 is an established supplier to the NHS, Local Authorities and Government Departments
In addition, we accept purchase orders from: schools, colleges, universities, museums, PLCs and major charities
You don't need to open an account. Simply send a copy of your official Purchase Order form including your full address and contact details and we will process, ship and invoice you on 30-day terms. Please send a pdf (or scanned) copy of your official P.O. form as an e-mail attachment to: sales@evaq8.co.uk
Due to specific shipping and tracking requirements, all Purchase Orders with a value under £100 will incur our standard UK shipping charge of £5.96+VAT. Please ensure you reflect this charge on your PO form.
Vendor Forms: If you need to add us as a supplier please send your forms, or request our prepared details by email as above.