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Business Preparedness

Business Preparedness = Business Resilience 

Today, the hazards and threats we face are significant and many. Emergencies and disasters such as fire, flooding and terrorism can happen anytime anywhere with little or no warning as we sadly witness in the UK and around the world.  Understanding the risks and how to mitigate them can help protect people and property, making all of our communities safer. Naturally, this includes business.

For UK businesses of all sizes this means Business Preparedness: practical tools for contingency planning, crisis management and business continuity as well as aspects of health and safety, first aid and security. This may sound complex but is actually quite straightforward and simple:

Business Preparedness: get a kit – make a plan – be informed

Business Preparedness brings together and extends what any business is legally obliged to do* in a very practical way. It follows the latest government guidance** which specifically recommends a so called emergency ‘grab bag’ or ‘crisis response kit’.  For more information see what you must plan and prepare for,  Emergency GrabBag what and why and Business Continuity - Business Contingency - Preparedness for Business.


Why Business Preparedness? Building capacities, extending capabilities, survival.

99% of all UK businesses are SMEs, small and medium sized enterprises: that’s 5.5 million SMEs in 2016 with fewer than 250 employees. This also includes so called micro-businesses with up to 9 employees as well as sole traders. Small businesses are ‘the backbone’ of the UK, providing economic diversity and livelihoods, the bedrock of resilient communities. Being able to bounce back from disaster fast is crucial not only for business survival but also for all the people and communities connected to it. Naturally, bouncing back happens better with preparedness.

What does Business Preparedness look like?

Each business is unique. Yet when it comes to business preparedness there are two basic principles which apply equally: be prepared for safe evacuation (go) and be prepared for safe lock-down and shelter-in-place (stay).
Office Emergency Grab Bag - EVAQ8.co.uk preparedness and business continuity Workplace Emergency Pack | EVAQ8.co.uk preparedness and business continuity
Business Preparedness: Crisis Management Tools
 examples  of a standard Workplace Kits
Site Evacuation Kit Business Contingency Kit - lockdown/shelter-in-place supplies for business preparedness
Business Preparedness: safe evacuation - secure lockdown & shelter in place    
 examples of a standard kits: site evacuation and contigency kits | bespoke site kits 


You need 2 types of Emergency Kit: GO *and* STAY

  • a so called Emergency Grab Bag or Crisis Response Kit containing essentials to be used in case of immediate evacuation and
  • a Business Contingency Kit to provide supplies for lock-down, invacuation or shelter-in-place

You also need a Business Emergency / Business Continuity Plan

Serious disruption to your business can happen anytime anywhere. 80% of SMEs never recover. A robust business preparedness plan that is practised regularly helps you bounce back faster. It pays to be better prepared. Preparedness is easy: 

Preparedness for Business is easy: get a kit, make a plan, be informed

How do I build my own Business Emergency Kit?








Business Emergency Grab Bag Contents List 
safe evacuation

Broadly, you need to cover minimum four areas to build a Business Emergency Grab Bag as recommended by the authorities. These are:


This is a good start that begins to cover the basics.

For more information also see recommended business grab bag contents.

However, you may want to expand on the bare basics to increase your capabilities and capacities in dealing with an emergency.

Many businesses store more than one type of WORKPLACE KIT, i.e. Incident Controller GrabBag,  Grab Bag for Business, Workplace Emergency Packs, Site Evacuation Kits as well as basic kits such as a so called Battle Box or Personal Evacuation Packs. In addition, on site advanced first aid and trauma care increasingly play a role; for examples please see Medical Kits

Each business is unique. Only you know what your business needs to be better prepared for an emergency. 

If you don't see exactly what you need to make your business more resilient, simply contact us for a competitive bespoke quotation. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is happy to help. 





Business Contingency Kit Contents List
safe invacuation, lock-down and shelter-in-place

Sometimes, rather than evacuate you must 'in-vacuate'. Another way of saying this is 'secure lockdown' or 'shelter-in-place'. While each term has a different meaning, the end result is similar: you must provide support for a number of people (staff and visitors) on premises. The following areas need to be addressed

Again, this is a good start but you need to carefully evaluate just what types of resources you will need for how many people and for how long.

Hygiene is another area to consider as is 'survival equipment'.

Some businesses store emergency food supplies including nutritious self-heating MRE's (meal ready to eat) for their critical support and field staff.

Each business is unique. Only you know what your business needs to be better prepared for an emergency. 

If you don't see exactly what you need to make your business more resilient, simply contact us for a competitive bespoke quotation. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is happy to help.


Business Preparedness also extends to business travel; i.e. car safety kits 


How do I make my own Business Emergency Plan / Business Continuity Plan?


Luckily there are a lot of excellent resources and advice available online.

Your local authority has a mandate to provide information with regards to emergency preparedness and business continuity so that is an excellent place to start.

Get in touch with your LRF (local resilience forum). Not only do they hold and update the local risk register that is more relevant to you than perhaps the NRR National Risk Register, they are also able to provide guidance and templates which are a good start to begin tackling Business Continuity and Preparedness if you are new to the subject. 

For additional resources, simply see our directory Ready for Emergencies and our information hub for individuals Emergency Plan. Our Preparedness Blog also has entries under category 'Preparedness for Business' which may be useful. The latest NaCTSO guidance on crowded places Updated (06/2017) which is relevant to businesses such as retail shops, event organisers, transport and the night time economy (NTE) such as pubs, clubs, cinemas, theatres, cafés, restaurants etc. contains extensive advice and basic checklists including one for a crisis response kit.

With regards to emergency kits that are exactly right for your business, remember that if you don't see exactly what you're looking for in our standard workplace kits section check out custom-made emergency kits for more information or simply contact us for a competitive quotation. 


Preparedness for Business is easy: get a kit, make a plan, be informed



Raising awareness for Emergency & Disaster Preparedness in the UK since 2005

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 This page is also accessed via bit.ly/preparedBusiness  


* Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Management of Health and Safety at Work regs 1992, Corporate Manslaughter / Corporate Homicide Act 2007

** National Counter Terrorism Security Advice Office (NaCTSO), 2017 ‘crowded places guidance’ which is aimed at retail shops, events, transport and night time economy (NTE) such as pubs, clubs, cinemas, theatres, cafés, restaurants etc. and other businesses recommends a crisis response kit.

FSB.org UK small business statistics, 2017