Welcome to the EVAQ8 blog!

Brilliant! Finally this blog is actually happening and I for one am very excited for the chance to share this space with you. One of EVAQ8’s New Year’s resolutions was to be more ‘out there’ with you, not just on facebook and twitter. After all, not everybody is a fan or a tweet apparently. Raising awareness for Emergency and Disaster Preparedness is part of our mission statement as the UK’s Emergency Preparedness specialist so this blog is yet another way to reach wider audiences.

So, here it is. Come on in and have a look around in this friendly, open and welcoming space.source: https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8212/29927672615_c6f22581b3_b.jpgWhile the decor may be imaginary, what we talk about and share in here is very real and concerns us all:

how to become resilient and be better prepared in a fast changing world

Another way of looking at this is how to become more aware of hazards and risks and how to get trained and equipped for increased personal resilience.

Start by visiting our bustling preparedness hub just down the hall to get oriented then come back to this blog and use the side navigation and search function to find what you’re interested in. In addition, there is our quiet virtual library right next door with even more useful information and resources.

So, as this is the beginning of a New Year and I’ve already touched upon resolutions: what about yours?

How well prepared are you in case of a real emergency or disaster?

Winging it is not a plan.

SWinging it is not a plan! Make your Emergency Plan TODAY!o, what can you do?

A lot actually and that is what this entire website and blog are about: to help you be better prepared and build personal resilience.

So, bookmark us and explore. Talk to your family and friends about preparedness and make it one of your New Year’s resolutions. After all, there are few things in life more empowering and useful. Start now while there is some quiet time before this New Year really kicks in, gets going and sweeps you away. If you already have an emergency plan, then there is no better time than right now to review, update and practise it.

And it’s not just about plans, you need actual physical resources too. Luckily, you’ve come to the best place to get just that, the top navigation will get you to the right departments in a flash.

Oh – and before I forget. You’ve probably seen our About Us page but let me introduce myself: my name is Monika (@MonikaAlMufti) with a ‘K’ – yes it’s odd I know but when I tell you that I’m originally Swiss it might make sense. It has the additional advantage of serving as an ‘explanation’ for funny typos or odd turns of phrases you may encounter. I’ll be running this blog for a while and I hope you’ll find it useful as well as entertaining. Comments are always welcome, as are guest contributions so don’t hesitate to get in touch: news@evaq8.co.uk.
For more EVAQ8 blog simply use the right hand navigation. For emergency kits and practical resources use the top navigation. For FREE resources head over to our Preparedness Hub and find out why we use humour. If you like this post, please share it to help raise awareness for Emergency and Disaster Preparedness. Thank you!

thank you for sharing, raising awareness for Emergency Preparedness!

Find EVAQ8 on social media, like and follow us!

join EVAQ8.co.uk on facebook  follow EVAQ8.co.uk on twitter  discover and share EVAQ8 on pininterest  explore EVAQ8.co.ok on You Tube

PS: in case you’re wondering about the logo, the above is our original one created in 2005. The new blue and orange version was created in spring 2015 for our 10 year anniversary.

A note on comments: this blog is monitored and we welcome feedback and suggestions. However, as this blog receives a large amount of spam due to its popularity, we only selectively approve and publish comments. Thank you for your understanding.

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About Monika

@MonikaAlMufti, co-founder EVAQ8.co.uk |originally Swiss, forever exploring our glorious planet, loving nature and the diversity of cultures; oh - and obviously passionate about Resilience - Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

5 thoughts on “Welcome to the EVAQ8 blog!

  1. Jess

    I come and browse often. Your blog and website never boring and how nice to find your very first post, a small piece of history for preparedness UK. Brilliant you kept this up for this long. Don’t stop ever!

  2. Thomas

    Can’t believe I did not see this blog before. Really happy I found it. You have some excellent stuff here, interesting articles, accurate info pages and amazing looking products. I’ll be back and tell my friends about you guys.

  3. Robin

    Just want to say I come here often to read and browse and love what you’re doing. NEVER ever stop!!

  4. Kate

    I wish just 10% of blogs out there are as inspiration, useful and good looking as this! Bravo!!!!!

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